Thursday, July 03, 2014


Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act (July 2, 1964), which was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson. This was a day of historic proportions for millions of Black Americans who had never experienced equality under the law. In a real sense, it offered them a new beginning.

In another sense, it was a day of condemnation for many Anglo churches of America, especially in the South whose leaders and members denounced the legislation. Some pastors announced from the pulpits, they would not accept people of color into their membership, despite federal law.

Of course, the church established by Jesus was never intended to be segregated by race, social position, gender, ethnic background (Gal 3:28). By definition and nature it was intended to be a reflection and manifestation of the kingdom of God in society.

Had the church maintained a kingdom focus throughout history, egalitarianism would have been a reality wherever local churches were found. In addition the church would have had the moral and prophetic authority to speak the truth to power and call for their respective governmental leaders to implement equality.

Even if the governments refused to heed the call, citizens of those societies would have had at least one place where they could experience equality for all.

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda! But it didn't happen that way.

A new day is dawning. Many millennials have rejected their parents' brand of Christianity. They are starting to catch a vision of what a kingdom-focused church looks like.

For more information on the egalitarian nature of the church, read my book "Heaven on Earth: Experiencing the Kingdom of God in the Here and Now" (Harvest House).

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